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High Five Outsideではコミュニティ会員制を導入しています。経営者、会社員(公務員・民間)、大学生、子供など様々な人がいます。国際色豊かな環境で、新しい価値観や自分の可能性の発見に繋がればと考えています。

High Five Outside is implementing a community membership system. There are various people involved, including entrepreneurs, company employees, college students, and children. We hope that this diverse international environment will lead to the discovery of new values and personal potentials.






To become a member, we ask individuals to participate in our events as visitor, and those who express a desire to join will be accepted as members.

​(We are currently in the operational phase, so there may be changes in the future.)

Upon becoming a member, an annual fee is applicable, but it grants access to events at a discounted community member rate. For those who attend multiple events, becoming a member proves to be a cost-effective choice. We are actively considering additional benefits for our members in the future.

Of course, even if you're not a member, you can participate in the event as a visitor.

If you are interested in participating in the event, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Join our community! Here's the kind of people you'll be with:

High Five Outside
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